Apportioned Tags

IRP is a reciprocal agreement, meaning that when the vehicle is registered in the jurisdiction where the motor carrier is based, the registration is valid in all the other IRP member jurisdictions. Additionally, the IRP registration is “apportioned” because the fees paid to the base jurisdiction are divided among all the member jurisdictions in which the vehicle(s) operated. IRP member jurisdictions are the lower 48 states, the District of Columbia, and the 10 Canadian provinces.



Miscellaneous IRP process:


  • Renewal
  • Add vehicles
  • License plate transfer
  • Weight decreases or increase
  • Corrections
  • Close account
  • DOT updates
  • Replacing Lost or Stolen Cab Card
  • Updating insurance, change of address, duplicate cab cards


  • OVER 26000 LBS gross vehicle weight (GVW) or
  • Has three or more axels, regardless of weight; or
  • Are used in combination with a trailer for a combined GVW that is over 26,000 pounds.


Florida uses a 10-month staggered renewal system, which means each IRP account is assigned a renewal month that ranges from January through October.
  • -IRP registrations are valid for 12 months
  • Each account is assigned a renewal month between January and October
  • The renewal month appears on the license plate and cab card
  • There is no grace period for late renewals
  • Penalties are assessed on the 11th day of the renewal month


IRP fees depend on a large number of variables, but range from $500 - $1,000 for hot shots and $1,200 - $2,500 for semi-trucks. Due to the differences between the way new IRP plate fees are calculated vs. renewals, fees for plates are never the same year to year.


  • 1. The following vehicles are also exempt from IRP (and require registration through the local tax collector office):
    • Government-Owned vehicles
    • City Pick-Up and Deliver Vehicles
    • Recreational vehicles
  • 2. Vehicles operating intrastate
  • 3. Vehicles with a less than one-year registration period or that are subject to a geographical area, mileage, or commodity restriction